Alice Ramsay
Copywriter, Content Strategist, Communications Consultant
Hello, I'm Alice
I'm a freelance copywriter, content strategist and creative communications consultant.
We are going to harness the power of your work and make sure it gets out there and makes a positive impact.
To introduce myself...
I'm Australian.
I live in Utrecht, the Netherlands with my Dutch husband Erik and daughter Freya.
Born and raised in Adelaide, Australia, I started out as a lawyer. I researched for barristers. I wrote for judges. I briefed ministers. I worked on policy and legislation in the fields of copyright, human rights, and public and private international law.
And then I got a job in international law in The Hague and moved to the Netherlands, "for an adventure".
Life rocketed along...
Then one day, after interviewing a colleague at The International Criminal Court for a side project, I felt a full body, this is it!!!
Interviewing and writing.
Getting important stories out there.
This is my thing.
And I decided it was time for me to do my things, not as side projects, or as extras to my legal work.
Time to make my thing the main game!!
And I took a big, brave, and life changing leap.
I left the law and started to build a career interviewing and writing.
I freelanced as a legal journalist reporting on cases in The Hague.
I was hired to interview and write about leaders to promote executive education and lifelong learning.
I worked as the senior writer at a multinational where I wrote internal campaigns, scripts, strategic messaging and filmed interviews with executives and the supervisory board.
Equipped with a whole new profession, I then brought my two careers together and led communications for an international NGO.
And then our daughter was born.
After my maternity leave, I took some time out to work out how to arrange my parenting life and my working life.
While I was thinking, I got called up for some freelance work.
And haven't looked back.
Outside of work, I'm growing my walks, my family life, my friendships, my creative practice and my zucchini empire.
Rien Brus
Global Vice President, Customer Strategy, Aegon NV
My values guide my behaviour
For me, integrity is everyting. It's about playing it straight, every time. And calling it when things go differently. Even when it’s the harder thing to do. Especially then.
Being a true professional
You hire me to be a true professional. Professional means striving for top quality, keeping open lines of clear communication going, showing integrity at every turn.
Getting real
I don't just tell stories, I live them.
Having fun!
Fun is central to my work and play! It unleashes energy, creativity and makes my days a joy. I even feel a bit squeamish making it a value. But if you ask me what I care about, fun comes into it!